라즈베리파이3 OSMC OS에 VNC 설정
외국에서 찾은 자료로 그저 설치 순서로 작성 하겠다.
1. $sudo apt-get update2. $sudo apt-get install libvncserver-dev
3. $sudo apt-get install rbp-userland-dev-osmc
4. $sudo apt-get install gcc
5. wget https://github.com/hanzelpeter/dispmanx_vnc/archive/master.zip
6. unzip master.zip -d /home/osmc/
7. rm master.zip
8. --Optional--
If you want to make the vnc server a bit faster, then edit main.c inside the dispmanx_vnc- master older and search for:
#define PICTURE_TIMEOUT (1.0/15.0)
change it to:
#define PICTURE_TIMEOUT (1.0/25.0)
9. cd /home/osmc/dispmanx_vnc-master/
10. sudo chmod +x makeit
11. ./makeit
12. sudo modprobe uinput
13. sudo chmod 666 /dev/uinput
14. ./dispman_vncserver
If you want to make the file executable from anywhere then:
sudo cp dispman_vncserver /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/dispman_vncserver
원본 위치 <https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/howto-install-a-vnc-server-on-the-raspberry-pi/1517>
아래 내용은 아직 정리 중.
Go inside your dispmanx_vncserver folder that was compiled and do
cp dispmanx_vncserver /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/dispmanx_vncserver
cp dispmanx_vncserver.conf.sample /etc/dispmanx_vncserver.conf
vi /etc/dispmanx_vncserver.conf
You can use nano if you want...Then copy paste this and change the password inside the quotes:
relative = false;
port = 0;
screen = 0;
unsafe = false;
fullscreen = false;
multi-threaded = false;
password = "mypassword";
frame-rate = 23;
downscale = false;
Then do
vi /etc/systemd/system/dispmanx_vncserver.service
and paste this inside:
Description=VNC Server
After=network-online.target mediacenter.service
ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe evdev
After that start the service and make it load or reboot
systemctl start dispmanx_vncserver.service
systemctl enable dispmanx_vncserver.service
systemctl daemon-reload
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